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Q: How does manifesting work?

A: If you think of a radio, you know that you can only receive the radio station that you are tuned to.  You won't get Radio 2 whilst tuned to Radio 1!  In the same way, we receive what we are tuned into.  This means not only aligning your thoughts but also the way you feel so that you are a vibrational match to what you are manifesting.  This is why it is  also important to clear the blocks, negative emotions and limiting beliefs and Hypnotherapy and EFT are brilliant for this. 


Q: What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?

A: EFT or tapping as it is also referred to, is a technique which involves gently tapping on accupressure points whilst focusing on the negative emotion/belief in order to clear it.  It is an incredibly effective technique useful for a huge range of issues from limiting beliefs, past hurts, anxiety, low self-esteem, feeling stuck as well as physical symptoms.


Q: Does Hypnotherapy mean I'm out of control and under the control of the therapist?

A: No, absolutely not.  Infact, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis which is something we do regularly.  When you gaze out of the window 'day dreaming' that is self-hypnosis.  When you go into hypnosis, you are in control at all times and will only go as deeply into trance as you are comfortable with.  It is a lovely relaxing state which allows communication with your subconscious; the part of the mind which is basically running the show!


Q: I'm not 50 yet and still have periods so surely I can't be menopausal?

A:  The perimenopause (the time leading up to menopause when your periods stop) can begin in your early 40's (or even earlier for some).  Some women are lucky enough to not even be aware that they have entered this phase whereas for others it can be a terribly challenging time with the well known physical symptoms such as hot flushes, irregular periods to the lesser talked about symptoms (certainly historically) such as anxiety, low mood/depression, brain fog/forgetfulness (a friend and I both thought we might have early onset dementia until discovering memory issues were a symptom of perimenopause).


Q: How many sessions will I need?

A: That depends on what it is you want to achieve and how much is preventing that.  It is a very individual journey and varies from person to person.


Q:  What makes you 'qualified' to work with me?

A:  As well as being qualified as a Hypnotherapist, Advanced EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and having completed Reiki 2, with over 15 years experience with clients, I also have a lot of life experience.  I have 2 grown up children (still living at home), I have been through divorce and finding love again, the death of my father and a very close friend, very challenging perimenopausal symptoms and long-Covid resulting in me having to leave my job (amongst other things!)  I have had to do the 'inner work' myself and believe that is 'a job for life' if we are to learn, grow and reach our full potential.


Q: How do I know if you're the right coach/therapist for me?

A:  It's really important to work with the right person for you; someone you feel comfortable and safe with.  That's why I offer a free 20 minute phone consultation - your opportunity to ask what you'd like to know, discuss what you'd like to work on with absolutely no obligation.



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