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  • Writer's pictureBryony Asha

Does Manifesting Really Work?

Isn’t manifesting woo-woo, hippy nonsense?!

Yes, manifesting really does work and no it isn’t woo-woo, hippy nonsense!  How do I know?  Because I have seen the positive effects time and again in both my own life and those that I have worked with.  We all manifest; our thoughts and feelings are magnets and we bring to fruition what we put ‘out there’.  The trouble is, most of the time we’re not doing this consciously and it may be coming from a place of fear, lack or past negative experience.  Manifesting is a universal principle that anyone can learn and apply, regardless of their spiritual belief and is actually grounded in psychology and neuroscience.

 "The brain does not distinguish well between real and imagined experiences. We can use this knowledge to our advantage by actively visualizing desired outcomes, which can then

A house for sale suggesting that manifesting has been successful

shape our perceptions, behaviours, and ultimately, our reality." - Dr. Joe Dispenza


Studies in neuroscience have shown that the brain is highly adaptable and capable of rewiring itself through neuroplasticity. This means that our thoughts, beliefs and emotions can influence the structure and function of our brains, potentially shaping our experiences and behaviours. Practices such as visualization and positive affirmations, commonly used in manifesting, may help rewire neural pathways associated with desired outcomes.

So, how do I manifest consciously, you may be asking?  Well, firstly you need to gain clarity about what it is you actually want.  For example, you may want to move house so you’ll already have some idea about what you want e.g. how many bedrooms, garden, garage etc.  But there is so much more detail you can focus on like the state of repair/decoration, the neighbours, the feeling of home.  This is as much about working out what is really important to you as it is feeling what it will be like when you have what it is you are manifesting.  There is a level of commitment required; to regularly imagine and feel as though you already have what it is you want. Manifesting involves more than just wishing for something—it's about aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions to create positive outcomes.

Why is it not working?  We all have blocks, negative experiences, memories, thoughts and beliefs that can get in the way.  In order to move forwards and manifest what we really want, we need to release these blocks.  There are many ways in which we can do this but with years of practice, training and working with clients I have found certain tools that work particularly well.

Lotus flower which is a metaphor for blossoming despite the harsh conditions

If you’re interested in bringing about change in your own life, manifesting new and wonderful things (whether that’s a new job, relationship, home, or perhaps a quality such as peace, confidence or joy) then go to where you can book a session. 

Happy couple/soul mates/the one living their dream together


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